Does It Make You Feel Good To Be A Kind Friend? Why?


It is difficult to answer the question “Does being a kind friend make me feel good?” because there are many layers of meaning in the question. Some people might answer this question based on their own feelings, while others might base it on what they have seen in their social circles. In this article, you will learn what some of the benefits of being a kind friend are and just how impactful your actions can be on those around you!

What Is Being a Kind Friend?

Being a kind friend to others feels good, and it can have a positive impact on both the individual and the group. According to “The New York Times,” kindness has been linked with happiness, better physical health, and decreased stress levels. Additionally, research has shown that being kind to others can create social networks that are more beneficial than those formed through negative interactions.

There are many reasons why being kind is important. For example, when someone is kind, they may be given the opportunity to build trust with that person. When people trust each other, they are more likely to work together cooperatively and share information. Kindness also creates a sense of community, which can lead to social activism or even charitable contributions. Ultimately, being kind improves the lives of those around us in multiple ways.

Why Does Kindness Make Us Feel Good?

Ever since we were born, we have been surrounded by people who love to hurt us. Whether itā€™s through mean words or physical abuse, we learn quickly that not everyone is going to treat us kindly. Kindness, on the other hand, seems to be a rare commodity in our world. But is it really that different?

The answer is yes and no. On one hand, kindness is genuine and doesnā€™t involve any hidden agendas. It comes from the heart and is meant to help others, not harm them. Plus, it feels good to be a kind friend ā€“ it makes us feel appreciated and loved.

But on the other hand, kindness can also be misunderstood. For example, if someone offers to help you with your groceries but then takes all of the food for themselves, they might have been acting out of selfish motives rather than being kind. In fact, sometimes being kind can actually backfire and cause more harm than good.

So why does kindness feel so good? It seems like a contradiction at first, but the truth is that both sides of the coin are true ā€“ kindness can make us feel good on the surface level, but it can also have deeper consequences down inside.

How Does Being a Kind Host Change The World?

Being a kind friend to others can have a powerful impact on their lives. It can make them feel good, help them connect with others, and build goodwill. In turn, this can create positive ripple effects that extend far beyond the person receiving the kindness. Below are five reasons why being a kind host is good for everyone.

1. It makes people feel good!

Thereā€™s something special about feeling happy and contentment yourself, and then seeing that same happiness and contentment reflected back in another person. Being kind to others instantly makes you feel better, no matter what mood you were in before you started interacting with them. Plus, itā€™s amazing how just a few words of kindness can brighten someoneā€™s day and change their outlook on life.

2. It builds relationships!

The best way to achieve anything is by having supportive relationships with other people. Kindness fosters these relationships by creating a sense of connection between the host and the guests. When we care about someone else, itā€™s much easier for us to stand up for them when needed, build trust with them, and support their dreams and goals. This goes a long way in building strong, lasting

Cultural Differences in Caring / Friendliness

There is no single answer to the question of why people behave differently around friends, depending on their cultural background. However, some possible explanations for the differences in how people approach caring for friends across cultures include:

The concept of “face” or reputation in different cultures can play a role in determining how much someone is willing to help out a friend. For example, in Asian cultures it is considered dishonourable to refuse help to a friend, even if that person is incapable of doing anything themselves. In contrast, in Western cultures it’s more common for people to offer assistance without feeling any kind of obligation to the other person.

Different cultural values may dictate how important it is for a person to feel good about themselves when helping out a friend. In Asian cultures, helpers are often seen as being virtuous and altruistic, which can lead them to feel good about themselves even if they don’t actually do anything helpful. On the other hand, in Western cultures, being a helper can often be seen as being annoying or burdensome, which can lead people to avoid helping out friends unless they really need to.

Ways To Be More Kind and Friendly To Others

Everyone needs a kind friend, and being kind to others can make you feel good. Here are six ways to be more kind and friendly to others:

  1. Smile more often: A smile can go a long way in making others feel happy and accepted. Plus, itā€™s just plain fun to smile.
  2. Listen attentively: When someone is speaking, give them your full attention. Not only will this make them feel appreciated, but it also lets them know that you care about what they have to say.
  3. Be patient with others: Sometimes people take longer than expected to do things or answer questions. Donā€™t get frustrated; simply be understanding and wait for them to finish.
  4. Offer help when asked for it: If someone asks for your help, donā€™t hesitate to offer it. Not only will this show that you care about them, but it can also save them time and hassle.
  5. Have empathy for other peopleā€™s feelings: When something bad happens to another person, donā€™t forget how you felt when something similar happened to you. Empathy helps us understand other peopleā€™s experiences and feelings better.


It’s not always easy to be a kind friend, but it can be really rewarding. Kindness is not only good for the person you are helping – it can also make you feel good on a personal level. When we act kindly towards others, it gives us a sense of purpose and satisfaction that is hard to beat. So if you’re looking for ways to improve your own happiness, consider taking up being a kind friend. It might just turn out to be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is kindness?

Kindness can be defined in many ways, but at its core, it is a concern for others. It is the act of showing sympathy and care for someone else, whether they are a friend, family member, or stranger. Kindness is often displayed through actions rather than words. It is the essence of being compassionate and helpful. When we are kind to others, it makes them feel appreciated and helps build relationships.

How does it feel to be a kind friend?

It feels really good to be a kind friend. Being kind to others makes them happy, and they will often return the favour by being kind to you in return. In addition, it can make you feel good about yourself. When we do something nice for someone else, it makes us feel like we have accomplished something. We’ve made somebody else happy, and we’ve accomplished something as a result.

Why should you be a kind friend?

Being a kind friend is not only good for yourself, but it can also make a huge difference in the lives of others. When you are kind to someone, it shows that you care about them and are willing to go out of your way to help them. It can also make the person that you are helping feel appreciated, which can lead to a stronger relationship. There are many times where being a kind friend is the best thing that you can do.

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