Do Friends Have To Know Everything About You?


Honesty is one of the things that should prevail in any relationship, but sometimes being completely honest with each other can put you in distressful situations. Sometimes, you can’t be utterly honest with the person to save your friendship. You have to hide some things so that things remain sober, and they do not want to convert into a fight. There is no urge to spill the truth when things are going straight.

Well, some more things can be kept secret from your friends:

Past experiences

Well, we always don’t have good past experiences, so telling them to friends can make it more traumatic. It’s completely fine to keep a secret to yourself and heal. Sometimes people don’t understand the path you have come across and start making fun of it. To save yourself from this traumatic experience, keep things sober. Don’t overshare, be conscious about what you share and ignore people who give you a negative response.

Goals that you have made and they won’t understand

People have different goals, and not everybody will understand why and how you have made them. It’s a waste of time to make people realize your goal’s true meaning. They might just not get something, and it’s okay if they are not serious about it. If they don’t support your goal, don’t tell them. Making people believe in something that is not their own is not necessary. It also depends on how the perspective of a person. If they give you the approval, respect it; if they don’t, ignore it.

The intimate relationship of you with people

When you share your intimate relationships with people, there are chances that they might misunderstand things, and the consequences can be harmful. These things must be spelled out to people who genuinely understand you and are empathetic towards your decisions.

Secrets of other people

People trust you with secrets, and they shall not be revealed in any case. Even though you’re best friends with each other, there are certain limitations that you must follow when it comes to other people’s secrets. You are not obligated to tell your secrets to people who have no interest in you. Nobody will judge you if you override your secrets with your friends, colleagues, and family. This is your personal space, and you have the right to share what you want.

Sharing true feelings about someone

When you tell your friends about your crush, they might mock you. Nobody wants to get into that area and feel embarrassed about their feelings. Not everybody sees your choices as the best, and misunderstandings can occur. So to avoid these things, you have to be subtle and only share secrets or true feelings with loyal and compassionate people.

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